Monday, February 22, 2010

Someone Thinks *I'm* Special!

I want to thank my friend and client, Tiffany, for awarding me with this blog award!

Of course, there are rules to accepting this award, and I am quite happy to comply!
  1. Thank the person who gave it to you
  2. Pass this award on to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
  3. Contact the bloggers to let them know they've won.
  4. State 7 things about yourself.
Well, first we'll start with the 7 things about myself (yay freebies for all of you!)

  1. I have moved 11 times in 11 years. I hate moving
  2. I am a (not so secretly) math geek. and band geek. and book worm.
  3. I have always made better friends with men than women, that is, until I became a mom, and now I seem to do ok in friendships with women too.
  4. I am an insomniac
  5. I got married too young, and will probably sound just like my mom (who also married too young) when I give my daughter the "talks" about not getting serious too early.
  6. I've always wanted to learn to play the cello
  7. I am an avid journaler, both on and offline. I have two decades of my life chronicled in hand written journals and they are my most cherished possession. What better way do I have to learn from my mistakes then to have them from the first decision to the ultimate realization that it was a mistake to read from my own perspective at the time I was making the decisions?
Now, I do not have 15 favorite blogs, but I do have a few! I will post the links to the blogs that I follow daily (though some of them have not been actively updated in a long time)

Brown Bag Special
Joyful Adorations
Birthing Journey
Woman Uncensored

Well, that's all the blogs I follow right now, sorry the list isn't longer, this midwife student doesn't have all the time in the world to follow them! Oh, of course, check out my friend Tiffany's blog, who gave me this award to start with at Holy Pee Stick, Batman!

Now, back to packing for Florida! <3


  1. I didn't know you kept up with my blog! :) I came over to see if the twins had been born yet, but I'm going to follow you so I can keep up with you! Hope you're doing well! Miss you.

  2. Of course I keep up with you! I am always sad when clients have their babies and then are gone :( I miss you guys!
