Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I am so Blessed!!

I try to remember to count and name my blessings often, especially when things look down or difficult or even darn near impossible. Tonight I have many blessings, including being able to be there for the women at the clinic. However, this post isn't about my local women.

I have been offered an amazing opportunity to go work with my former preceptor for 3-4 weeks to work in the official role of "birth assistant" but be able to count the 8 births as births as an active participant. These will be the *last* 8 I require on this form!! Not only do I feel blessed to be able to work with her again (it is my opinion that she is an amazing woman and midwife!) But I am also blessed to be able to be there for her clients this month as well!

Thanks to this amazing opportunity (which was just too good to pass up!) I will be *only* four clients short of my goal in order to sit for my exam in February of 2011!! I can't believe it! That number is *completely* attainable and will most likely happen!! I am so excited!! What a long, and tumultuous (but blessed!) journey I have taken.

And thus the count down continues!!

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