Friday, October 30, 2009


I have a great deal of respect for Lisa Aman, creator of the Midwife-To-Be course curriculum and director of the school. She has put together a rocking program that is affordable and thorough. I just realized, however, that not everyone enrolled in the school appreciates her as much as many of us do. I heard that some people were just registering and paying the start up fee (a minimal $25!) and Lisa, being the trusting and good faith person she is, would mail you the *entire* curriculum and lesson plans. As you finish each unit, you were to send the unit in to her along with an additional $25 per unit. However, some people were not sending in units ever, and were continuing to work through the curriculum without ever paying Lisa anymore money. I went to Lisa with my new found realization that people were basically stealing her curriculum, and offered the suggestion that she start only mailing one unit at a time. This conversation quickly went from mailing one unit at a time, to brainstorming ways that we can make the whole program online completely, for those interested in saving the paper etc from mail correspondence courses. I, being the kind of person I am, offered to set up a moodle for the program, and do the work involved with transferring it online, in exchange for the rest of tuition due, or possible part of the remainder due, depending on how much work is involved. Lisa thought this was a great idea, and so now here I am, working on setting up moodle locally, to give her a demo of what the school might look like online. So that, my friends, is what *this* midwife student will be doing for a few weeks!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Gradual "Birth" of a Midwife

And thus starts the beginning of my blog. The blog of a student midwife and full time single mom. I would write more in this entry but we just had a baby last night and my day is busy. Check back often, and I will try to update often!