Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Its Official!!!!!!

I am officially enrolled at Florida School of Traditional Midwifery as of TODAY!!!! That's right, you heard it here first folks, Misty has reached a *huge* (and I mean *HUGE*) milestone in her journey to becoming a midwife!! Nearly 4 years ago when I first decided to start this journey, going to a Florida school seemed so out of reach, and now here I am!!

So, you might be thinking to yourself, what classes does Misty get to take this semester? Here's the list of courses!!

Year 1, Term 1

  • Student Success Lab
  • Healthcare Skills I
  • Psychology for Midwives
  • Research Evaluation
  • History of Midwifery
  • Anatomy and Physiology I
  • Anatomy and Physiology I Lab
  • Interpersonal Relationships and Communication Skills I
With my already 3 years of midwifery studies behind me, and recent college as well, this semester should be a breeze. My goal is to get straight A's (Like I've ever gotten anything OTHER than straight A's?)

I have my doula/CBE prerequisites classes this weekend in Ocala, and then I start school on the 30th of August! I can't believe it!! I am still sort of in awe of it all.

Monday, August 9, 2010

So Much To Do, So Little Time

Registering children for public school in Florida is so much more complicated than it was in Tennessee. I have to fill out what seems like 30 papers for each child, and each paper seems to want the same information. To make matters worse, I needed a lease agreement and my drivers license changed over. Man what a pain. My goal is to have the children all registered by tomorrow. Here's hoping. I especially am fretting about registering them because Tommy should be skipping a grade this year. We shall see.

Organizing my Life

If you know me, you know that I cannot thrive in chaos. Right now my life is chaos. We are living in a limbo that is not quite Tennessee, not quite Florida, and will remain that way for at least another month. My father did not prepare his house for our arrival, and so the house here is in its own little state of chaos. Preparing to return to school myself is also chaotic, as I wonder how it will actually work out. I am taking it one baby step at a time. Organizing one little thing at a time. Everything will only get better from here.

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hope, Love and Prayer


My hope lives in my childrens eyes. It is given life by the smiles and giggles that surround my day. My hope lives within me, all around me. I find hope in the rain storms, in the waves at the beach, in the text messages from friends at just the right time. My hope lives on when nothing else seems to. It is a constant. A forever. My hope keeps my dreams alive.


I used to think I could never have enough love to give to more than one child. And then I had a second child. It seems that with the more children you have, the more your love grows, and the more of it you have to give. Love multiplies with use, much like smiles are contagious. My life, and my children, and my work are all loves of my life. My love continues to grow as time and life go on.


Prayer is such a gift. A direct connection to God. Prayer surrounds my day. Prayer is trusting God, and placing my life in His hands. It's admitting that it's bigger than me. That I don't know what to do, nor how to do it. It's letting Him take the problem or issue or challenge out of my hands and into His own. It's admission. It's submission. It's my secret weapon, tucked gently in my back pocket. There to help when faced with an overwhelming world of darkness, sadness, and hoplessness so thick it threatens to destroy the hope in my world like a black hole.