Thursday, March 25, 2010


I find myself on a path of rediscovery once again. When my life appears to crumble, my defense mechanism is usually to distance myself from the source of the pain, or the cause of the disaster, and then re-evaluate my life and decide where to go from here. I have never been one to sit back in misery and complain to everyone else that my life is so hard, or that my life stinks, and not do anything to change it. I am a proactive person. I am a Survivor and thus by nature I am driven to improve my life, to fight to make it the beautiful, wonderful life that I know I deserve.

I have been through so much in my life, both recently and my whole life. I don't want people to look at all I have endured and feel sorry for me. Instead I want them to look at all I've accomplished and be happy for me (or in awe of me as some seem to be).

So just remember this as you are given a glimpse into the life of Misty. If anything, let my persistence encourage you to strive for your hopes and dreams too, despite any potholes you hit along the way.

Besides, we have to cherish these potholes. They give us flat tires. Sometimes they damage our alignment or our tie rods. And then we have to slow down and wait for the repairs. And in the meantime we get to slow down or stop and enjoy the view, and maybe take the time to look around and wonder how we got there, and re-evaluate if we even *want* to be there. It gives us a chance to rediscover ourselves. The potholes really are a pain, but a gift all at once.

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