Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Twins update!

The twins seem to be growing well, and are measuring approximately 4lbs and a little bit by ultrasound. Unfortunately they both have turned breech (as opposed to vertex/vertex the presentation they have consistently been in, and the best position for a vaginal delivery). She is now 32 weeks and we are not wasting any time to try to get these babies to turn, and we have an appointment Saturday with Dr. Mike Neeley (the local accupuncturist who helps us out at times). Hopefully we will get the babies to turn to a more desirable position.

In the mean time, my fellow apprentice who has been down for the count for over a week with the flu is finally feeling better, and will be back Thursday (yay!). We have a few appointments Thursday, and I'll spend the rest of the day getting ready for the workshop and working on insurance claims and other boring billing stuff.
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  1. sending ~turning vibes~ to the twins! :)

  2. Thanks Tiffany! We can definitely use them! We would prefer a vtx/vtx presentation (both head down) but would even settle for a vtx/breech!
