Tuesday, January 26, 2010

On a Midwife High!

Yup, that's right, a midwife high! No, our waiting mama has not had her baby yet (though that is a good guess since it typically puts me on a three day high!). But this is one for the books. While contemplating all the options our twins mommy has now that her girls are stubbornly sticking with breech/breech positions, we thought maybe we should try to contact midwives with much more experience than ourselves in such matters. While watching "Normalizing the Breech Delivery" we had the off the wall idea of trying to contact Rahima Baldwin and Valerie El Halta. Yeah, it seems off the wall. As far out there as contacting Bill Gates about a computer issue and expecting him to reply.

So today I decided to look on facebook for these two famous midwives. Wise women. Pioneers in midwifery. I expected I may find them, but at best I expected they may reply with a link or two to redirect me to...or at worst they wouldn't reply at all. I am so used to the catty midwife community that I have been engrossed in, that I really wasn't expecting a reply.

What I got was not only a reply, but immediate contact information, and what seemed like a genuine interest in helping us help our mom have her natural birth and avoid a c-section! I am soo happy, and have a renewed faith in the idea that not *all* midwives are catty to each other!

I will let you all know what wisdom I glean from her!
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