Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Here It Comes..... The INTERVIEW!!!! DUN DUN DUN!!!

was that dramatic enough for you? What do you mean no?!?!?! Well, what do you expect from someone who leads a virtually drama free life?? It's the best I can do, you'll have to get over it. LOL!!

So interview day eh? I got up nice and early and left Jimmy's house before he was even *awake*! I drove to Kelly's to pick up Jenn and Kelly and we got on the road to go to Gainesville. Now, this seems like it shouldn't be that big of a deal, but really it was a *long* drive! It's only two hours and a little, like the drive to Sarasota was when I was apprenticing there, but yet somehow it seemed like such a long drive.

We got there early, of course. That is life with Misty girls, you better get used to it! Seriously, living with a man who was the least punctual person ever has made me a little bit OCD about punctuality. If I am *on time* I feel late. I have to be a bit early. So, we were the first potential students to arrive.

We went in, put our lunch away (compliments of Kelly, who packed us all spaghetti). We talked briefly with Glenn as she was setting up for the interview day, and she let us know there was going to be a man there who wants to learn midwifery to go back to his country (Haiti) and teach other midwives. Seems noble, and I think he and I will get along just fine.

Kaitlyn was a little late to the interview day, she wasn't feeling well and that was obvious when she got there. Glenn talked to us for a bit, and then we split off to be interviewed by each of three people, the Business Director, the Academic Director, and then Heart, the I guess Dean of the school (I forgot her official title).

My interview with the Financial Director went great, she let me know that I would have plenty of financial aid, and how much I would get extra, which, it turns out, is enough. YAY! That was one big stress that I don't have to worry about now!

My interview with the Academic Director I also think went really well. She and I seem to have a few quirks the same, and have some opinions and other things in common about midwifery education. I really like her, and I hope she also really liked me. I got nothing but good vibes from her so I hope that is a positive thing!

My interview with Heart was awesome. She made a comment about how I smile every time I mention my divorce, and I, flustered at first because of how much negativity I got from Linda about my divorce, started to explain that my divorce was like my own personal liberation from an oppressive, abusive marriage. She totally got me, and I also only got positive vibes off of her. She hugged me on my way out the door and whispered in my ear that she'd see me soon.

There were six total potential students at the interview day. One other coming from Orlando area (other than the three of us), the man. I have a good feeling he will get in to the school, and maybe we can all car pool together then. That would help split the cost of gas at least.

After the individual interviews we had lunch together and got to know each other, and then we had group interviews with the clinical director and the senior student representative. I didn't really pick up on any vibes during these, maybe because they were not individualized.

They said it may be as late as MID JUNE before we hear anything!! I am walking on pins and needles now until I receive my acceptance letter!!

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