This is one of the topics with which I am very passionate about. I learned the truth about circumcision too late for my oldest son, and regret allowing it to happen to him every day of my life. I even started an online support group for mothers who found out the truth too late for at least one of their sons, called
"Regretful Moms". It was a devastating day for me, the day that I faced the truth and realized what horror I had allowed to happen to my son just days after he was born.

After learning the truth, I became a loud voice against RIC (Routine Infant Circumcision). I wanted to keep other mothers from making the same mistake I did, and living to regret it. Every year one of the greatest voices against circumcision, David of
sic society, leads the way to the DC protest. I haven't been able to make it to the protests yet, though I have tried a few times. this year, the protest is coming up next weekend. Make plans to go if you can!
Please Join us!
17th Annual Demonstration/March Against Infant Circumcision March 26th - April 1st, 2010
U.S. Capitol and White House
Washington D.C.
2010 SICSOCIETY Schedule of EventsSo, you might say you have all these good reasons to circumcise your son. What you really mean is that you just haven't educated yourself on the truth of circumcision. I could go through the myths and truths of infant circumcision, but there are so many other sites that have done so, and done so well too! I encourage *anyone* who is having a boy to research research research before you blindly follow the herd!! Know that right now, in the United States, only 50% of all boys are circumcised. Our children's generation will see both intact and cut penises and those boys who do not have a foreskin will have some hard questions for their parents one day! Here are some great sites on what circumcision is and does.
An educational video on the prepuce I think everyone should watch this in order to truly understand what the prepuce is. warning, graphic.
*NO ONE* should agree to have their son circumcised without watching a
video of a circumcision! This video is what changed my husband's mind, and is a powerful tool if you and your husband disagree on the issue of circumcision! This video is graphic, and I cannot watch it without crying.
some of my favorite sites:
Mothers Against Circumcision
Circumcision Information and Resource PagesNOCIRCCatholics Against CircumcisionJews Against CircumcisionNOHARMMChristianity and Circumcision:
Circumcision for Christians?
The Bible and CircumcisionChristians and CircumcisionActs15I will probably edit this post later, I'm running late, so look for more in a bit!
great post! i'll have to watch the video when i get home since i'm at work. but we don't plan to circ. i also wanted to say that you should stop beating yourself up about having your son circ. you were only doing what you thought was best for him at the time. no one (not even yourself) can blame you for that!! ((hugs))
ReplyDeleteTiffany I am so happy to hear that you plan to leave your baby intact! I will warn you that Linda is a staunch supporter of RIC and does not know how to handle intact penises as far as I know. Please feel free to talk to Andrea and I about the care of intact penises and stumbling blocks you may deal with with doctors etc. My intact son's worst issue has been a few minor cases of ballinitis (the equivalent of female bacterial vaginosis) which have been cured easily with a little bit of neosporin. Can't wait to see you again!!
ReplyDeletethx for the heads up! i'll def be asking you and andrea for advice! see you soon! :)
ReplyDeleteI very much so regret not putting my foot down and refusing to have this done to Logan....but Jeff wanted it done...I tried to get him to watch the videos and things but he never cared he just said it is happening no matter what.... I guess you can say I sort of resent him for it actually...
ReplyDeletethat day will always haunt me... I had to help hold him down and while I had my eyes closed the whole time my poor son's screams will always be in my head...
and if anybody birthing with linda wants to know the doctor she reccommends (pace) does not numb the area at all and it is so awful...
Brittany I am so sorry :( I wanted to talk to you about it but Linda *forbid* me from even mentioning anything to you. She said that you would come to us if you wanted my side of things. Linda does *not* hesitate to give all sorts of myths for why her clients *should* circumcise, but will not allow me and Andrea to give the *facts* about circumcision to let women make an informed decision.
ReplyDeleteUltimately we are put on this earth to protect our children, and sometimes that protection is against their midwife, their pediatrician, and maybe even their very own father. It is a sad day for sure, but that is why we have the mommy bear in stand up and growl when we need to!!
Do not beat yourself up too much about it Brittany, there are others like you. Join my group at where we support each other and heal together after learning the truth about circumcision. Work on changing Jeff's mind *now* before you have any more babies. If you need my help, let me know. I have all sorts of resources and information on it. It is something that I am very passionate about.
oh and btw...I think it would do Linda some good to hear from you, and hear about how you regret the decision and wish that she had given you *all* of the information about circumcision so that you could have made an informed decision. I would also think she could stand to hear that you were unhappy with the doctor she recommended for it and that you would not recommend her to others. Talk to her about it to whatever extent you are comfortable doing so, but ultimately know that part of the job of being a good midwife is to give your clients "informed consent* on all the aspects surrounding pregnancy, labor, birth, and newborns.