So I have been at the Midwifery Today conference now for four days and my brain is mush. I am exhausted and ready to go home. Its not that it hasn't been full of awesome information, and it has been really neat to be in the same room with the likes of Michael Odent and Ina May Gaskin, however I am still ready to head home. I have pictures of course!!
This is a picture of Michael Odent giving a lecture on "The First Hour After Birth." Andrea and I went to this lecture and it was absolutely fascinating. It was one that I was very happy I went to as we got to hear three different perspectives on the first hour after birth, one from Cornelia Enning from Germany, one from Michael Odent from France, and one from Gail Hart from the USA. I had decided pretty much as soon as I heard Michael Odent talk for the first time at the Breech workshop, that I could listen to that man for HOURS. I could listen to him all day long. He fascinates me.
Of course, the hotel food here is very limited and *VERY* expensive, so Andrea and I have been having to find food within walking distance (there isn't much!) we did find this awesome little sub/sandwich shop called Jimmy John's and we had lunch there yesterday. While there I saw the most awesome sign ever:
Ok so that brought a smile to my face, and I really needed a smile yesterday. I need more smiles today too. Oh, and the sandwich was amazing too! I got a turkey on wheat with extra mayo and it had yummy sprouts on it too!!
So on day one we went to an all day long breech workshop. It was absolutely fascinating. We watched videos on water breech birth that is being done in Germany Just watch this amazing video I found on youtube of a breech will be sold!
So... More from the conference....I went shopping!! Yup, that's right, Misty actually bought *herself* some things!! I saw Andrea in this shirt one of the first times I saw her, and I had to have one. I could have bought one online but never did (I hate paying shipping). So now I have my "Believe" T shirt. Isn't it awesome?!?! I might have to buy another one at a later date too. I just *love* this shirt, and want to get them in sizes appropriate for my children too. Children are our best advertisers and advocates!! Having babies with midwives just *makes sense* to my children. They don't understand why you *wouldn't* and they are fast to say so to any adults as well!!
I bought this tote for Kelly, it made me think of her. I would love to find this print in a T shirt instead of a tote (I wouldn't use the tote, I know Kelly will). If I find it in a Tshirt I will probably buy myself one of these too at some point. Isn't the picture just so loving and beautiful?!?!?!
Today Andrea and I went to the Twin Roundtables which was fascinating. As I stated above I could listen to Michael Odent speak for hours, he is such a fascinating (and scientific) man. I snapped a picture of Ina May Gaskin, Michael Odent, and Cornelia Enning (from left to right) while at the round tables. I really enjoyed hearing Michal Odent's theory as to why twins are considered pathological now and in need of being "rescued" by doctors. He believes it is due to the very rare complication called Twin to twin transfusion syndrome. This syndrome can only happen to monozygotic twins, which only account for 30% of all twins as it is, and TTTS only happens in less than 10% of all of *those* twins. It is not something that happens all the time. Of course, there is also a risk involved if the twins are monoamniotic monochorionic as there can be cord entanglement with those twins, but again, that is very rare. As with anything else, there is an appropriate time to seek out the help of a surgeon (aka obstetrician) however not all twins are in need of the skill of a surgeon.
I also "donated" ten dollars and got two of these mosaic pendant necklaces. I bought myself the hunter green one, and Kelly the lime green one. I may go back for one more for another friend tomorrow if they are still giving them away for a donation. Don't you just love the way these pendants look? I love the image of a pregnant woman almost just a little bit submerged in colorful water. It's just beautiful and so worth the donation!!
I also bought this T-shirt for a $15 donation to the North Carolina Midwives Association which helps them fund their fight to get legislation passed in North Carolina. If it helps an illegal state, I am happy to do it!! Plus, I love the shirt.
Tomorrow we have round tables and some more general sessions, but it is the last day of the conference. I am tired, and ready to go home. I said that already didn't I? We did get a bunch of free stuff too, which is cool. So, that has been my adventure at the conference thus far. I probably won't blog again until I get home.
We have the Breakfast in a Rose Garden T-shirt in our online store (but you'd have to pay shipping - I hate paying shipping, too!)
I'm glad you had such a good time at the conference:-) Donna
You are walking distance to some GREAT restaurants on Walnut Street (which is like Philly's restaurant row.) There is a lovely food court in the basement of the Bellevue Hotel/Office building as well (presuming its still there) at Broad & Walnut Streets.
Misty, So glad you enjoyed the conference. Wish I could have gone. You MUST tell me which vender had the Believe t-shirt!!! Gotta get me one of those!! if you get a chance, email me the info at:
Brittany: we had fun, and lots of stuff was beautiful! LOL!
Amelia: I *never* buy things for myself and I really went "crazy" buying at the conference!
Donna: I was told the Breakfast in the Rose Garden print can be found on shirts on the webiste, I will check it out, thanks! I did truly enjoy the conference, and look forward to returning again, however I will say I will *never* go back to a conference held at that venue..I was less than impressed with it.
Elle: We were walking *distance* from many great places including King of Prussia mall, however it was not *safe* to walk that way as we would have had to cross over a bridge which had no shoulder at all and no sidewalk (literally like 2 feet from moving traffic was the edge of the bridge) so we could only walk the other way.
Tiffany and Iris it was very neat! I am very fortunate to have had such a great learning opportunity!
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Exodus 1:15-20
The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, “When you help the Hebrew women in childbirth and observe them on the delivery stool, if it is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?”
The midwives answered Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.”
So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous. And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own.
Patron Saint of Midwives, newborns, infants, pregnant women, childbirth:
St. Raymond Nonnatus
St. Raymond Nonnatus (1204 - 1240) hailed from Catalonia, Spain. His name means not born (= non-natus) as he was delivered by caesarian. He was a priest and Master-general of Mercedarian Order. He was said to have spent his entire estate ransoming Christians, and then giving himself up as a hostage to free another. Pope Gregory IX made him a cardinal. His feast day is August 31.
Midwifery Student, Apprentice, newly engaged single mom. I have been thrust into a life I never thought I'd have, and have learned that I am loving every moment of it. I never dreamed I would be a single mom, yet I am. I definitely never dreamed I would be a single mom *and* a midwifery student, yet I am. I thought once I gave up on my marriage I also gave up on midwifery, at least until my children were grown, but I was wrong. I love my life, and am thankful to be where I am. I am a strong advocate for women, no matter their particular situations in life. I love my work, and consider it more of a calling. It is God's work, and I am merely His humble servant. A servant of God, Women, Children, and Families.
beautiful video!
ReplyDeleteso excited for you. And i must admit I would have shopped my behind off as well!
ReplyDeleteWe have the Breakfast in a Rose Garden T-shirt in our online store (but you'd have to pay shipping - I hate paying shipping, too!)
I'm glad you had such a good time at the conference:-)
Donna Zelzer
Midwifery today
You are walking distance to some GREAT restaurants on Walnut Street (which is like Philly's restaurant row.) There is a lovely food court in the basement of the Bellevue Hotel/Office building as well (presuming its still there) at Broad & Walnut Streets.
ReplyDeleteSounds like an incredible time!
ReplyDeleteThat is so neat that you got to hear Ina May Gaskin and Michel Odent speak!! Sounds like it was a great conference. :)
ReplyDeleteMisty, So glad you enjoyed the conference. Wish I could have gone. You MUST tell me which vender had the Believe t-shirt!!! Gotta get me one of those!!
ReplyDeleteif you get a chance, email me the info at:
(I'm on the midwifetobe list with you)
Brittany: we had fun, and lots of stuff was beautiful! LOL!
ReplyDeleteAmelia: I *never* buy things for myself and I really went "crazy" buying at the conference!
Donna: I was told the Breakfast in the Rose Garden print can be found on shirts on the webiste, I will check it out, thanks! I did truly enjoy the conference, and look forward to returning again, however I will say I will *never* go back to a conference held at that venue..I was less than impressed with it.
Elle: We were walking *distance* from many great places including King of Prussia mall, however it was not *safe* to walk that way as we would have had to cross over a bridge which had no shoulder at all and no sidewalk (literally like 2 feet from moving traffic was the edge of the bridge) so we could only walk the other way.
Tiffany and Iris it was very neat! I am very fortunate to have had such a great learning opportunity!
Doreen: The Believe T-shirt is from MANA!