I love just laying here in the quiet morning times feeling baby W kick and squirm. She seems to be quite accustomed to her daddy's work schedule and sleeps most of the night as far as I can tell but when his first alarm goes off in the morning she wakes up and kicks and squirms for several hours. She still has lots of time to pick her final position before birth and is taking advantage of the space she has by changing positions constantly. This morning she seems to be breech again, which always gives kicks in the strangest of places!
Yesterday Jereme and I went to the store after he got out of work. We are still in need of a washer and so have been keeping an eye out for good deals, but still haven't found any. While we were out we decided it was time to start buying the furniture for the boys' room, as we want to have them all set up before they return from Ohio at the end of the summer. Last night our big purchases were two 3 shelf bookshelves (one for each boy) one tall bookshelf for J and me, and one loft bed for one boy. Next week we will go back to get a second loft bed and probably at least one desk, maybe two depending. They will also need dressers which will be purchased before school starts as well. Yay for getting some of this done!
So, every now and again nausea is still hitting me in the mornings, and my pelvic girdle pain is a real pain in the backside, but otherwise I am feeling great and just loving being pregnant!
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