Wednesday, June 27, 2012

23 weeks!!!

So we have hit the 23 week mark, and baby girl W doesn't let us forget she's in there anymore! She is a very active baby!  Most likely weighing in at just over one pound and around 12 inches long head to toe, she is really growing!

We have been busy getting the boy's room ready for them, I ordered Bobby's desk and am waiting for it to arrive, and we are just waiting for the rain to go away from tropical storm Debby so that we can go purchase Thomas' bed and put it together.  Our house is really starting to feel like home now, and we couldn't be happier!

On a more frustrating note, we are having issues finding an acceptable pediatrician in Brevard county for this new baby, hopefully we will be able to find one soon!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

22 weeks!!!

I love just laying here in the quiet morning times feeling baby W kick and squirm. She seems to be quite accustomed to her daddy's work schedule and sleeps most of the night as far as I can tell but when his first alarm goes off in the morning she wakes up and kicks and squirms for several hours.  She still has lots of time to pick her final position before birth and is taking advantage of the space she has by changing positions constantly. This morning she seems to be breech again, which always gives kicks in the strangest of places!

Yesterday Jereme and I went to the store after he got out of work. We are still in need of a washer and so have been keeping an eye out for good deals, but still haven't found any.  While we were out we decided it was time to start buying the furniture for the boys' room, as we want to have them all set up before they return from Ohio at the end of the summer. Last night our big purchases were two 3 shelf bookshelves (one for each boy) one tall bookshelf for J and me, and one loft bed for one boy.  Next week we will go back to get a second loft bed and probably at least one desk, maybe two depending. They will also need dressers which will be purchased before school starts as well. Yay for getting some of this done!

So, every now and again nausea is still hitting me in the mornings, and my pelvic girdle pain is a real pain in the backside, but otherwise I am feeling great and just loving being pregnant!

Friday, June 15, 2012


Hitting up a yard sale today in our neighborhood meant getting Baby girl W's first outfits!! Actually she wanted way too much money for most of it and lots of it had stains...but I diligently picked through it and found a few really nice items, one that still had tags even! is the beginning of our stash for baby girl W!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

21 weeks!

Baby W makes her presence known every day now, with strong kicks and punches. All of the children and her daddy have had the opportunity to feel her movements now and they just think its so neat.  Baby W seems to alternate between breech and vertex, which is a whole new sensation for me. None of my other children chose to be breech by this point so getting strong kicks "down below" can at times be unnerving.

We are taking the children to NC this weekend where my mom will meet us to take them the rest of the way to Ohio. I made a trip from Ohio to Florida when I was this far along with Thomas, of course I was much younger...we will see how it goes.

Picture time!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Half Way Mark!!!

We can hardly believe we're here. 20 weeks and everything is still perfect!! Aside from some gagging still in the mornings, pelvic and pubic symphasis pain already, and still need a nap half way through the day that is.

We had our mid pregnancy ultrasound last week! We were trying really hard to decide if we wanted to know the gender or not and ultimately decided to find out.....and its a girl!!! I had a feeling all along, again! Baby looks wonderful and everything seems to be in its proper places.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Oh Baby Baby!

Today and yesterday have been filled with movement from this baby. It has been the most movement I have felt yet! Alas, though, every time I would feel her moving and have Jereme put his hand on my belly she would hold still. Sneaky girl! So today, after vacuuming the floors I laid down for a bit because i was all hot and sweaty. She immediately began to kick and squirm, so I called my eldest son in to feel her. He put his hand on my belly and waited and success! He got to feel his baby sister move for the first time, and also gets to be the first person (other than me of course) to feel her!

More to follow!