Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Running Perpetually Late

Some of you know me very well, and for you this will not be a surprise. Some of you only know me as a fellow student, and some of you only know me as your midwife. For you it may (or may not!) Come as a surprise that I am a very organized, and punctual, person. There is no "fashionably late" in my world. If I run *on time* I feel late. I get to my appointments and other commitments early by at least a few minutes if my arrival is only dependent on me. That said, on days when I am running late, I seem to run perpetually late, and it seems to mess up the undercurrent of my whole day.

Today I woke up running late. I was having a bad dream, that I was running away from something but had concrete blocks on both my feet and couldn't get anywhere. I awoke and realized *why* I was having the dream. It was 0630 (I needed to be up at 0600) and my oldest son was already up, dressed, and sitting on my feet. So I get up and get them off to school, but ended up having to get ready for *my* day afterwards, causing me to continue to run late.

I got to the clinic (late!) And faxed some stuff, then started working on MTB. A little ways into it, around 1045 I found out I needed to go check on a client while on the way to lunch (lunch was supposed to be at 1200) this caused me to have to call and make lunch 1220 instead, as I was running late. The client is doing ok, and I headed to lunch, in an unfamiliar part of town.

I managed to get to lunch at 1220, the newly scheduled time, but I still felt late, since it was originally scheduled for 1200. While at lunch (yummy sushi!) I decided that my day had managed to defeat me and that I was doomed to be late all day (as is the norm if I start out such!) So darn it, I was *not* going to rush my lunch. I had a nice, leisurely lunch, that lasted until 1340. Then I left to get the kids.

Amazingly I was on time to pick up the kids, and on time for Tommy's appointment as well. So I guess my day actually somehow managed (by the Grace of God most likely) to *end* on time. Miracles will never cease eh?

Tomorrow Andrea and I will spend the day at the clinic getting ready for the workshop which starts Friday. We have some shopping to do, and then some planning and set up to do. I have some billing stuff to do, and some MTB moodle stuff to do. Tomorrow starts the busy part of my week, and I am tired just thinking about it.
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