Just as I feel myself starting to slide into depressive thoughts, or having what appears to be a really lousy month for many many reasons mounting on top of each other, one (or several) of the amazing women in my life pick me up, hug me (physically and figuratively) and remind me that I am surrounded by hope, and love, and prayer, and amazing, beautiful, women.
I have so many examples of these amazing women in my life this month, and if you have been one of them but aren't listed, it isn't intentional but simply the slip of an over tired midwife student and single mother.
1. The homeopath who is treating my oldest son. She is an amazing woman who gave me hope when I had none. She worked out payment that worked for me, and has been there for my questions whenever I had them.
2. Andrea. I cannot stress enough how amazing it has been to have Andrea in my life. Not only is she a fellow student midwife with a passion and vigor to match my own, but she has btdt on the single mom thing, and reminds me that it will get better.
3. My amazing best friend Verra, who listens to me turn into a big puddle of crying goo on the phone with her and yet still somehow manages to pull a giggle from me. Who, even when struggling in her own life, doesn't hesitate to listen to me whine about my own. Who reminds me, daily, that I am a strong and beautiful woman and I can do it (whatever "it" is at the moment). Who sends me smiles in the mail in the form of fuzzy socks and pretty dresses. I love you Verra, and I don't know how I would have survived the last decade without you.
4. Jen, the local Bradley instructor, who is quickly turning into a wonderful friend. Who listens when I need her to, and gives her point of view when I need her to. Who is there for me whether its a stress relieving lunch together just to bitch, or look for direction, or even for a distraction. I am lucky to have such an awesome new friend.
5. The amazing women I am surrounded by while working at the clinic. My clients fill my heart with Joy!
6. Brittany, who started as a client but is also becoming a good friend, who bailed me out with some babysitting when I really thought I might not find anyone, and who has turned into someone easy to talk to, and whose parenting ideas align with my own. Her son was my first "four handed" catch, and I have a feeling it was the buds of a lasting friendship.
7. My high school best friend Mary. We reconnected a while ago, but just recently really started talking more. I forgot how great we are together, and I miss her and wish we lived closer to each other.
There are other amazing women in my life, these are just a few, but they have very recently touched my life, during a very tumultuous month, and I just wanted them to know how much it really has meant to me.
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