I sit here still in disbelief. Staring at 5 "first signal" pregnancy tests bought from walmart for 88 cents each. The first one was taken on a whim at 10 DPO (known because of using NFP albeit, obviously, unsuccessfully) due to a strange feeling in my nipples. And the faintest of faint Positive line showed up within the 3 minute time limit:
So, in disbelief, I showed the test to Jereme, who quickly and most assuredly declared the line an "evap line" and denied it's true existence.

Well, something that many of you don't know, is that we recently experienced two miscarriages, in a row, back to back, last year. They were both unplanned (and the second one was *very* unexpected!) but we were going to go with the flow, you know? So we would get married while I was 8 months pregnant. Other people do it right? Both of these miscarriages started early (5 weeks 1 day and 5 weeks 6 days respectively) and I have a history of two other early miscarriages when I was younger, as well as two complicated pregnancies due to implantation issues (with living children from those). As a result of doing some research, I opted to start taking a baby aspirin every day from the end of my January menstruation on with a suspicion that I had what is called "Hughes syndrome" or sticky blood. We knew we wanted to start trying to make a baby right around our wedding day or the month after, so I wanted to be prepared...
Being a bit paranoid due to the recent early losses, I then became obsessed with taking Home Pregnancy Tests to see if the line would continue to get darker, knowing it was the only gauge right now that I have in assuring everything is moving along okay. So...with Jereme yet unconvinced I am even pregnant, and myself even doubting it a bit, I took another at 12 DPO....

And the next day....

As you can see, the line is still faint, though getting darker. You can imagine how, midwife that I am, I was truly sick of seeing these faint lines. I wanted a good solid dark line darn it! Going with the reasoning that the hCG in my blood had to be at least 25mIU at 10 DPO to get a positive line...and *hopefully* would be at least 50mIU by 12 DPO (as it should double every 48 h in a healthy pregnancy)...I was really hoping for dark lines by 13DPO...but alas, still light. So, being the obsessive person that I am, I did an internet image search for HPT at 13DPO and found that many people still had faint lines at this point. What do you expect after all, not even yet expecting your period? For Pete's sake Misty, lets not freak too much. Jereme and I both accepted the fact at this point that I am definitely pregnant (for now).
So this morning.....

10 weeks?!?!?!?!
That seems like an eternity. the next week or two will be truly telling however. This post probably wont go public until at least 10 weeks, if ever, though.
So I finally broke down and got a serum hCG test to measure the hormone in my blood. The average for 21 Days Past Ovulation is around 1200 mIU. My hormone level was 6561 mIU!!!
Today we entered into week 6 of this pregnancy, and morning sickness has taken full effect. Mind you, it is cruel and unusual punishment to make someone ravenously hungry AND disgustingly nauseous all at the same time....