This Holy week is so different from last year. I am surrounded by love and happiness, I am feeling very productive and successful, and I feel like I'm walking the path I was meant to be on all along, with the man I was meant to be with all along.
Let us not forget, though, during this Easter season, surrounded by colored Easter eggs and trips to visit the Easter bunny at the mall, egg hunts, candy baskets, that the real celebration is in the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us. He not only died in crucifixion (one of the most horrible ways yet to be killed by a human) but was scourged first, tortured, mocked, spat on, and forced to carry his cross all the way to golgotha. Jesus gave up his life for us. In the ultimate sign of love, he died to save all of us.
I have made it a tradition to watch "Passion of the Christ" by Mel Gibson every year at Easter time. Jereme is going to be joining me in this tradition as of this year :) We are scheduled to watch it this Thursday night together. I'm sure I will cry (I always do) but how can you not?
Palm Sunday was last Sunday. We went to Mass with Jereme's mom at Annunciation, and then she took all of us out for pizza afterwards. I (of course!) cried through Palm Sunday Mass. This is always such an amazing, and thankful, time of year for me.
This is the last week of classes. My finals are the Tuesday and Wednesday after Easter and then I am on break, I can't wait!!