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Sunday, February 28, 2010
Day Five Sarasota!
Day Five in Sarasota!
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It's the Little Things
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Saturday, February 27, 2010
Opportunities are There for Those who are Open to Seeing Them!
A fellow student offered me an airline ticket (stand by) if I went to the Philippines with her in June. Going to the Philippines would seal the deal for me to be able to sit for my exam maybe even as soon as October of this year! It is $700 for the month, and includes room and board. That really isn't a bad price, but would be a strain on my budget.
Then I got an offer to go to South Carolina (or rather, I begged an offer out of her LOL!) And so now I have two options to finish up my primaries, and the doors of opportunity have opened! I will keep you all updated on which I will choose, but I am tenatively calling myself *done* with my numbers thanks to the amazing help of many midwives!
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Way to go Wyoming and Mississippi!!
And way to *go* Mississippi residents! Due to overwhelming concern by the constituants in Mississippi HB 698 has been shot down!! Though CPM's are as of yet *not* licensed in Mississippi, they are alegal (no laws for nor against) with a court ruling that set a precedence for the practice of CPM's in the state. HB 698 threatened to make CPM's illegal in the state of Mississippi (a few steps backwards for sure!). One thing these states are going to quickly learn, midwives and their supporters have *big mouths* and don't just roll over and take whatever is dished out to them!!
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Day Four in Sarasota
Today I am headed to the birth center to work on practicing suturing, to do some stuff online, work on MTB, etc. It is raining here, and will probably rain all day. Bummer. Wondering when I should head to the beach. I think I will hit gulf coast and east coast while here.
I am homesick. Trying to keep myself busy so I don't think about it. I am sure I will write more later.
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Friday, February 26, 2010
It's in the Past
So, when I found out the news, no I wasn't crying because of the loss of Tom. I was crying because of the difficulty of my life now. Crying because I haven't seen my guy in over three weeks. Crying because he didn't call me for two nights now. Crying because this is not what I envisioned my life would be like right now, and I do not in particularly like this aspect of it right now. My tears had nothing to do with Tom, or Ragan, or the betrayal of my marriage, they were just all about me. And Andy. And the life which I can't seem to be able to grasp, it keeps just trying to slip through my fingers.
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Day Three in Sarasota!
So the birth with Harmony was very refreshing for me. It was a water birth, which I am extremely unlikely to see in Tennessee with my current preceptor. Harmony also repaired some very minor lacerations of which would not have been sutured with my current preceptor. Because one of the biggest skills I hope to learn here is suturing, I was happy for the learning experience.
Birth is always a waiting game, and now I wait patiently for more, and in the interim I soak up as much knowledge from these amazing midwives as I can, I practice my suturing, and I bask in the sisterhood of the Sarasota midwives, reminding myself that there are midwives out there who practice much closer to the way I envision myself practicing (next year!). I am thankful for the kindness I have found here in Sarasota, and for the reminder that I am not crazy.
Day three might end up being a down time day, if no births happen. There is no clinic today, and unfortunately it appears that it will be too cold to go to the beach, at least for swimming. We'll see and I am sure that you will hear more about my day either today or tomorrow :)
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Thursday, February 25, 2010
At My First Birth in Sarasota!
Sorry all, I couldn't finish this at the time, and now I am exhausted and headed to bed. This is To Be Continued!
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
First Day Back "On the Job" in Sarasota
I am, I have to admit, breathing a big sigh of relief upon returning to Birthways. Part of the relief is seeing that not a whole lot has changed. Some new furniture, new fun gadgets (go massive fax machine copier thing!! and scheduling program on the computer instead of a paper book, and YAY wireless internet!) but other things are still exactly how I remember them. Nice thick charts with good notes written in them, organization everywhere, office help, no clutter, it's just beautiful. I am surrounded by midwifery that is so much closer to how I envision myself practicing (not exactly, but at least much closer!)
Today I spent the day at prenatal visits, a home visit, and in the spare minutes in between Christina has been teaching me suturing, beginning with tying knots. I will spend the rest of the night tonight tying knot after knot and practicing suturing on a square foam. Suturing is something that I have really been intimidated by, I always feel very clutsy when using instruments like needle holders and hemostats, and Christina assured me it just takes practice and getting used to using them. And so I will spend the month practicing suturing over and over on foam, then on meat, and then I will come home to Tennessee and teach Andrea all that I've learned about suturing so that she also can feel confident in her ability to suture as well.
I'm back to taking more of a passanger seat position in the prenatals room, which is a weird switch for me since I am so used to doing prenatal appointments alone, or with Andrea. But I am happily taking blood pressures and feeling babies positions after Christina is satisfied with her on palpating. I doubt I'll do any blood draws while here, but I do not need practice in phlebotomy, what I need practice in is suturing, and of course I am here for births!! And I am getting both of those things while here.
I am already homesick :( That was something that I was not anticipating feeling so soon. It mostly kicks in at night, even last night, when I was trying to go to sleep. I think this is going to be a month full of long nights when there aren't any labors to distract me. At least my guy called me last night, and I am hoping he calls me tonight, because I am lonely. I might not have been missing him as much had I gotten to see him before I left, it's now been like three weeks since we managed to see each other, but he was so busy with crunch time for robot, and then I had to leave. And it doesn't help any that it is the Lenten season and I am spending it away from my kids. But I do have some distractions, and a very gracious hostess.
I can tell you that it is *hot* down here. And humid. Don't let anyone fool you into believing that Alabama/Tennessee is humid. THIS is humid! Now I remember one of the key reasons I moved out of Florida!!
now...***IMPORTANT NEWS****!!! There is a CRISIS in the state of Mississippi, where they are about to pass HB 695 which will OUTLAW CPM's and any other NON NURSE midwife in the state of MISSISSIPPI!! See the Citizens for Midwifery blogspot for more information!
NURSE-MIDWIVES and Certified Professional Midwives tend to be two *completely* different models of care, and limiting women to only the access of CNM's or OBGYN's is a major restriction and in my opinion a violation of the rights of childbearing families to have a competent care provider in the form of a CPM. All this bill does is further limit the ability of Mississippi families to make decisions for themselves about who and how they want to bring their children into the world!! If you live in Mississippi or have family or friends who do, please ask them to speak out to their congressmen against this bill!!
ok, stepping down off of my soap box.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Safe and Sound in Sarasota
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On My Way!
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Monday, February 22, 2010
Someone Thinks *I'm* Special!
- Thank the person who gave it to you
- Pass this award on to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
- Contact the bloggers to let them know they've won.
- State 7 things about yourself.
- I have moved 11 times in 11 years. I hate moving
- I am a (not so secretly) math geek. and band geek. and book worm.
- I have always made better friends with men than women, that is, until I became a mom, and now I seem to do ok in friendships with women too.
- I am an insomniac
- I got married too young, and will probably sound just like my mom (who also married too young) when I give my daughter the "talks" about not getting serious too early.
- I've always wanted to learn to play the cello
- I am an avid journaler, both on and offline. I have two decades of my life chronicled in hand written journals and they are my most cherished possession. What better way do I have to learn from my mistakes then to have them from the first decision to the ultimate realization that it was a mistake to read from my own perspective at the time I was making the decisions?
Joyful Adorations
Birthing Journey
Woman Uncensored
Now, back to packing for Florida! <3
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Now I am up and going to Church today, cleaning up, and packing for my trip to Florida to assist my former preceptor at 8 births next month! I am so excited about this trip, I've missed my friends there and I miss working with my old preceptor.
I probably won't write again until I am in Florida, so until then!!
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Saturday, February 20, 2010
The Birth of Celia and Penelope
C and P have a special place in my heart. I was doing her initial prenatal in which I was pretty certain I discovered twins. I went with them to their first ultrasound which *confirmed* it was twins. I went with them to almost every subsequent ultrasound, and I have never seen a client work harder to have a healthy pregnancy than C did.
We immediately asked C to go on Dr. Tom Brewer's diet for twins, and she did. And her babies continued to grow, and she never had any preterm labor symptoms. Everything was as perfect as we could ask for, with fraternal twins with two placentas, what they call di-di twins (which means that they are in separate chorion *and* separate amnion (the two sacs which make up the "bag of waters")) and they were both growing consistently, and both were presenting vertex (which means head down). This all is as ideal as it can get for an out-of-hospital birth of twins.
At around week 32, at the ultrasound, we discovered that they had turned from vertex/vertex to breech/breech. "Those little buggers!" We thought, but that's ok, we have a small arsenal of tricks up our sleeves for that! We had her get acupuncture, the webster technique, follow the advice on spinning babies, and take pulsatilla homeopathic. We were determined to get these babies to turn. At the last ultrasound, the babies appeared to be footling breech/vertex, which in the medical world is considered the *most* dangerous positions for twins to be in, and our back up OBGYN began talking section. None of us could believe everything was so perfect up until this point, and now things looked like we had limited options.
Linda asked me to try to track down a specific midwife (hereafter called "V") who has attended over 3000 births to see what she thought, and if there was any possibility that she might come to assist us with these twins. We knew it was a long shot (by far!) But were willing to try anything. We knew we would not be delivering these babies at the clinic without more experienced help there. I tracked her down, contacted her, she responded by giving me her personal contact information! Less than a week later she had a plane ticket to come supervise the births!
At 38 weeks and 2 days V arrived. Late the next morning C began having contractions and by about 1745 hours she entered into active phase. I called Andrea who was on her way. V did a vaginal exam to get an idea of what the presenting parts were, and found a foot, and a head! Well, seems these girls are going to vye for the title of "first born" and we wondered who would win! C's contractions were pretty far apart, and short, but dilating the cervix well so we didn't mind much. Upon next exam V found a presenting part of head, with hands up on each side of the head. Next exam she found two feet, and we decided that would be the presenting baby.
Just as C entered second stage, the presenting part was feet, with the other baby's head trying to move down first.
V thought we could coax the babies into letting the head down come first with some external uterine massage and poking the feet internally too. She thought for sure the head was down and feet were up and the vertex would be born first, but at the last minute the footling put her feet back down so that the vertex baby's head was basically in the footling's *lap*! Well that won't work, so V quickly massaged the vertex baby back up, and we held her there (the stinker!) And next thing we know, we have a tiny foot born. The double footling breech won her first fight with her sister!
Then we have two feet. Then up to the knees, the thighs, all the while V was keeping the legs warm with wet warm wash cloths. Then we have a hip! And another hip! And baby born to the umbilicus! Next push V sweeps the arms down, and baby is born to the nape of the neck. She skillfully lifts the baby upside down by the feet in order to allow the face to sweep the perineum. Because the baby did not do so smoothly and V didn't want C to tear, she handed me the feet and told me to hold baby just like that, while moving her at an angle to try to help it sweep. I did so, and a few seconds later V had manipulated the head completely out!! She immediately checked to see what presenting part baby B was, vertex, and everyone relaxed. Whew!
After a little bit, C asked me to take baby Penny so she could focus on pushing baby Celia out. An hour and thirteen minutes after Penny, Celia was born! Both babies had *amazing* APGARS of 8 and 9. Both babies had short cords, Celia's being so short we couldn't even lay her on C's stomach. Both babies were latching on and nursing well shortly after birth. And C didn't tear at all! What an amazing mama!
Penelope was born at 0413 hours on February 20, 2010 weighing 5lbs13oz and Celia was born at 0527 hours on February 20, 2010 weighing 6lbs8oz! Welcome to the world little ones!
Now this midwife (student) is going to try to get some sleep.
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I am so Blessed!!
I have been offered an amazing opportunity to go work with my former preceptor for 3-4 weeks to work in the official role of "birth assistant" but be able to count the 8 births as births as an active participant. These will be the *last* 8 I require on this form!! Not only do I feel blessed to be able to work with her again (it is my opinion that she is an amazing woman and midwife!) But I am also blessed to be able to be there for her clients this month as well!
Thanks to this amazing opportunity (which was just too good to pass up!) I will be *only* four clients short of my goal in order to sit for my exam in February of 2011!! I can't believe it! That number is *completely* attainable and will most likely happen!! I am so excited!! What a long, and tumultuous (but blessed!) journey I have taken.
And thus the count down continues!!
Birth of Baby Girl Artica Love

Yesterday I also spent the first half of my day as labor support at the local hospital for one of our clients. There, at 1715, Artica Love was born into the arms of Jesus. She had died in utero at approximately 16-17 weeks gestation. My prayers for continued healing for her family and I ask for prayers from all of my readers for the family.
Welcome to the World Baby Boy B!
Update: Baby has been named Liam Bennett!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
The Week Ahead
Tomorrow I will take the kids to Mass just like every other Sunday they are with me, then to McDonald's to play. Rescheduled Bobby's birthday party so we might have that tomorrow as well. Hoping tomorrow night I might get to see Andy, but I am not sure, as I haven't really heard from him except a few short txt messages.
Monday is President's day, and I'll probably spend it cleaning and with my kids as well. And might have B's party then, if the people can't make it tomorrow.
Tuesday I am meeting a friend at Barnes and Nobles in the morning and then *hoping* for a lunch date with Andy at the sushi place near B&N that afternoon. I know, I have high hopes for that day LOL!
Wednesday is another clinic day these days (too busy to have just one) so I will be at the clinic then.
Thursday is a *very* busy clinic day, so I will be there pretty much all day. Thursday night our midwife help flies in to help us for the twins delivery. I can't believe she will be 38 weeks on Tuesday! Go C! What an amazing mommy! My kids also leave Thursday for Ohio, they'll be gone until very late Sunday. Andy will spend those few nights with me, I hate being alone in this house!
Sometime between Thursday and Sunday we expect the twins to be born!!
Friday while Andy is at work I will be at the clinic, and if the twins mommy goes into labor I'll be there until she has the babies!
Saturday I haven't any plans. Andy has robot that day, so I will probably go to the clinic (especially if she hasn't gone into labor yet). Might go to Mass with Andy Saturday night, we'll have to see.
So, that's me outlook for the week, sounds like a busy and fun week!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Welcome to the world baby boy H!
Update: Baby has been named: Avi Shama (not sure on the spelling) Which I believe means the breath of God.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Have you ever.....
Have you ever gone shopping for a new car and thought you found the perfect one so you spend your whole savings to purchase it and after you drive it for a little while the axel falls apart, the tires blow, the transmission dies and it starts leaking oil like a sivv????
Have you ever poured your heart and life and soul (not to mention your blood and sweat and tears) into something only to have it blow up in your face, scarring you for life???
If so, then you can empathize with how I am feeling today.
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Monday, February 8, 2010
Forgetting the "Christ" in Christian
Are these "Christians" forgetting that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was, herself, an unwed, pregnant teenager? Are they forgetting how,even though she could very well have been stoned to death for such a thing, God instead asked Joseph to accept her state, because she was truly BLESSED among women? If God put so much weight on a woman *having* to be married before having children, would he not have waited until Mary and Joseph had wed before begetting Jesus in her womb? Now, I know what some of you may be thinking, yup, it's Misty the Catholic putting so much weight on the Blessed Virgin for her example of why true Christians would not turn their backs on a pregnant teenager (and in fact, THROW HER OUT OF HER CHRISTIAN SCHOOL!!) So here you go, maybe an example more of you can relate to.
Do you think Jesus would turn his back on this girl, or any pregnant teenager? Do you think that He who took his company with lepers and whores and the poorest of the poor would turn this girl away? The Jesus who loved everyone, and even showed love to the tax collectors, loving them into the faith? Would he throw the young girl out of his company? I think not. And if you think so, maybe you should go back and re-read the Bible, for I fear you may have lost sight of the Truth whilst concerning yourself too much with being the judge of others.
I, as the only thing I feel I can offer this girl, offered to be her labor and post-partum doula for free. God gave me a wonderful gift of being there for women in childbirth, and I will help her any way that I can.
Please do not take this as a Christian bashing blog. If you do take it that way perhaps you should take a good hard look at yourself, because it isn't I who made you feel insulted by this post.
The Countdown Continues!
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Sunday, February 7, 2010
Preparations For This Lenten Season
Last year I gave up swearing for Lent. It was a wimpy idea, as I do not swear much as it is. My guy, however, gave up fast food and did an amazing job at it! I am taking his example and this year I am giving up fast food during Lent.
I am busy today cleaning the house, which has been neglected all week while I was busy at the clinic. Somehow it doesn't matter how much I clean, it is always a mess shortly thereafter. It can cause me to have less ambition about cleaning then should. However, my children are all old enough now that many of the chores can be delegated out to them to do as well.
My Bobby's birthday is in a week, I can't believe he will be 5 in just a week! Well that's the update for now!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Welcome Baby Jedidiah!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
BC's Due Date!
My guy took me out last night for steak dinner. I had a really good time, but didn't get to spend nearly long enough with him. He had to get home to pack for a trip to Texas. He'll be gone until Monday or Tuesday, and I am opting for a mid-week lunch date.
My kids are leaving in a few weeks to go visit their cousins in Ohio. I am staying behind because we have too many women due for me to leave. They are excited to be going, and honestly their mommy is a bit excited for a quiet house for a long weekend.
The Blessed Care skills workshops have been indefinitely cancelled due to the fact that we have shaky job situations here (the men in our lives, not our jobs..). One of the greatest benefits to being a midwife is that there will *always* be babies to deliver, even in the Millenial Kingdom!
I am sure that next time I blog, it will include pictures of a beautiful new Blessed Care baby!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Finally, A School Day!
So today they are all finally back in school (yay!) and their mommy is back to work here at the clinic. Today we have the final ultrasound for our twins mommy before she has her babies (which should be some time this month!) and then just cleaning and organizing around the clinic. I should be working on MTB MOODLE today, but I just feel swamped with things here to do, so I am going to put it off for a few more days. Once I get working on it, I will probably finish getting it all live within a day.
Tomorrow I believe Andrea is going to come to the clinic so we can practice our skills for the skills assessment that we will have to take later this year. It is day one of practicing, we'll see how it goes! I will probably look through the book today and see which skills we will practice tomorrow, I am super organized and it works out for both of us that I am, because we can be very efficient with our time. We don't have any clients to see tomorrow, but we do have another *very* busy Thursday, as we have so many people do in the next few months and it is filling our clinic days very fast.
I think I am going to suggest to Linda that we offer an alternative clinic day to, at least during this busy part of the year, as we are booking up every week pretty much with clients, and it seems that we may end up with overflow here in another week or two!
I am watching the clients keep coming in, and hoping that we manage to get all of our numbers in time to sit for our exam in February of next year, but I would appreciate prayers, and referrals to the clinic! LOL!!
My baby's birthday is coming up. He was born on Valentine's day of 2005. And no, I was not induced! I am going to post his birth story on here in a few days, when I manage to track it down online. I'll have to ask the mothers from the parenting group in Florida that I founded to see if one of them will look it up in the group archives.
We are still waiting on a baby, who is due this Thursday, and I expect the baby will come Saturday or Sunday. We also have one mom who is teetering on the edge of labor but we're all praying she keeps the baby in for another 13 days, so she will be 37 weeks. Prayers for her would be appreciated.